
Automate everything!

NLVMUG UserCon 2016: Autoscale IT Today

This years NLVMUG UserCon 2016 will be held on March 17th and will take place in conferentiecentrum 1931 in Den Bosch.  Keynote speakers are VMware’s Kit Colbert and Jay Marshall from Google. If you’re living close you should definitely consider visiting this largest VMUG UserCon event of the world! Dennis and I will also present a session this year. Our session is titled: “Autoscale IT Today - The power of the SDDC” and we will talk about the why you want an SDDC, how to keep your job and show a cool autoscaling demo. As you might know when you’ve visited our sessions before we alway bring some kind of nerdy gadget to support the demo. Last year it was an emergency button which kicked of workflows, The year before we brought a miniature datacenter with us. This year we’ll bring something to visually support our demo.  Here’s a teaser: 2016-03-07 19.35.15 yup… it involves a whole lot of full color LEDs, Wifi and vRO control. It’s still a work in progress so pixel alignment isn’t great which is clearly visible in the picture. Of course I should throw in some buzzwords to attract more google hits and raise your interest in our session. So here goes. we’ll talk about software defined, sddc, daas, photon, autoscaling and LEDs :)