
Automate everything!

CoreOs now fully supported on VMware products

Last week CoreOS released an OS image which included the open-vm-tools. Of course it was possible to run CoreOS on VMware before, but something was missing. With the addition of the open-vm-tools CoreOs is now fully supported on all VMware products. This includes vSphere 6 and vCloud Air. coreos I happened to be working on my demo for the Dutch VMUG UserCon which involves CoreOS as well. So I decided to give it a go as soon as the image was released. And it turns out it works perfectly. I no longer have to build sleeps in my workflows, I can just wait until the VMware Tools are online and then continue the workflow. This makes deploying CoreOS much more efficient and reliable. Aslo, the gracefull shutdown finally works which prevents the OS from getting corrupted when I have to force a reboto from a workflow. I ’ll write in more detail about my automated CoreOS deployment in the coming weeks. If you happen to live in the Netherlands then come and see our demo and presentation this thursday (19-march-2015) at the Dutch VMUG UserCon. Want to get started with CoreOs yourself? check out this blog post for instructions on how to do this on VMware Fusion. Want to run on vSphere? Here is what I do to download the image on a linux machine and get it to vSphere.``` wget wget

mkdir coreos ovftool coreos_production_vmware.vmx coreos/coreos.insecure.ovf