
Automate everything!

Automated directory synchronization of the vRA Identity Manager

Disclaimer: The API documentation has not yet been released, therefor I would like to notice that this is currently an unsupported method of triggering a directory sync. During a recent project the customer requested the functionality to create a new business group with just one click. This should be a function to onboard new teams into the vRA environment, including the creation of Reservations and Active Directory groups. In vRA 6 this would not have been a problem at all, but starting at vRA 7 the Identity Manager was introduced. The Identity Manager, in short the connection from vRA to Active Directory (AD), synchronizes AD content on a specific schedule. This means that while specifying the different AD groups in the new Business Group, these will not be visible immediately but after a synchronization. As the customer stated, it should be an automated process, a click on the button. Waiting for the synchronization to take place is not an option.. We are automating this, right?! Therefor my colleague Marco van Baggum (#vMBaggum blog) came up with the idea to automate the synchronization of the identity manager. In a shady corner Marco found the necessary API calls and off we go! The first step is to create the a new HTTP-REST endpoint in vRO. Run the workflow “Add a REST host” located at Library / HTTP-REST / Configuration and use the following settings:




https://<vRA FQDN>/ e.g. https://itqlab-vra.itqlab.local/



* The other settings are dependent on how vRA is set-up and how vRO connects to it. A new endpoint in the inventory should pop up at the HTTP-REST plugin. Now right click this endpoint and run the workflow to add the additional REST operations to it.


Get Directories



URL template




Get Directory Sync Executions



URL template




Invoke Directory Sync





URL Template









URL Template


  The images below show the configured operations in vRO [gallery type=“slideshow” link=“file” columns=“4” size=“large” ids=“839,840,841,842,843”] Now the endpoint and operations are created, import the workflow package attached to this post. (nl.itq.psi.vidm Workflows) When the workflow package is imported, open the Configuration Elements tab and edit the Endpoints configuration element located under the ITQ folder. Select the correct HTTP-REST endpoint and REST-Operations, insert the correct username, password and tenant to connect to vRA. As a side-note, the used API calls can only be used with a vRA local account. Domain accounts will throw an “Invalid Credentials” error. Make sure that the user has rights to execute a Directory Sync in vRA. Now go back to the workflow overview and expand ITQ / PSI / VIDM / Helpers. You should have the same overview as in the image below. vRO Workflow structure Now execute the “Synchronize active directory” workflow and the synchronization will start! [caption id=“attachment_845” align=“aligncenter” width=“474”]vRO Workflow execution vRO Workflow execution[/caption] Please note that these workflows are not production ready yet and bugs may exist! Download nl.itq.psi.vidm Workflows!